MacWorld 1996 March
MacWorld 03:96.toast
Control Panels
ResEdit 2.1.3
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483 lines
COPYRIGHT (C) 1984-1990 Apple Computer,Inc.
All rights reserved
Resource editor interface unit for instances of editors and pickers. This should be
USE'd by any pascal implementation of a resource editor or picker. The
companion file ResDisp.a.o should be linked with the pascal to build
the file for inclusion in ResEdit.
Pickers are given a resource type and should display all of that type in
the current resfile in a suitable format. If the picker is given an open call
AND there's a compatible editor, it should give birth to the Editor. The editor
is given a handle to the resource object and it should open up an edit
window for the user.
Uses Memtypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, Printing;
{ Standard menus exported by ResEdit }
fileMenu = 2;
newFileItem = 1;
openFileItem = 2;
openSpecialItem = 3;
closeItem = 4;
saveItem = 5;
revertItem = 6;
getThisInfoItem = 8;
getInfoItem = 9;
verifyItem = 10;
pageSetupItem = 12;
printItem = 13;
preferencesItem = 15;
quitItem = 17;
{ Masks for AbleMenu - normally not used directly. }
newFileMask = $2;
openFileMask = $4;
openSpecialMask = $8;
closeMask = $10;
saveMask = $20;
revertMask = $40;
getThisInfoMask = $100;
getInfoMask = $200;
verifyMask = $400;
pageSetupMask = $1000;
printMask = $2000;
preferencesMask = $08000;
quitMask = $020000;
disabledMask = $1;
{ Mask combinations to be used in calls to AbleMenu. }
fileNotOpen = disabledMask + newFileMask + openFileMask + openSpecialMask + getInfoMask +
verifyMask + pageSetupMask + preferencesMask + quitMask;
fileNoPrint = fileNotOpen + getThisInfoMask + closeMask + saveMask + revertMask;
fileAll = fileNoPrint + printMask;
fileNoSaveOrRevert = fileNotOpen + getThisInfoMask + closeMask + printMask;
fileDA = disabledMask + openFileMask + newFileMask + openSpecialMask +
getInfoMask + verifyMask + closeMask + quitMask;
rsrcMenu = 128;
rsrcCreateItem = 1;
rsrcOpenItem = 2;
rsrcOpenTemplateItem= 3;
rsrcOpenHexItem = 4;
rsrcRevertItem = 6;
rsrcGetInfoItem = 8;
rsrcCreateMask = $2;
rsrcOpenMask = $4;
rsrcOpenTemplateMask= $8;
rsrcOpenHexMask = $10;
rsrcRevertMask = $40;
rsrcGetInfoMask = $100;
rsrcDisabledMask = $FFFFFE01;
rsrcDisabled = $FFFFFE00;
rsrcRevertOnly = rsrcDisabledMask + rsrcRevertMask;
rsrcPickerNoSel = rsrcDisabledMask + rsrcCreateMask;
rsrcFilePicker = rsrcPickerNoSel + rsrcOpenHexMask + rsrcRevertMask + rsrcOpenMask;
rsrcRsrcPicker = rsrcFilePicker + rsrcOpenTemplateMask + rsrcGetInfoMask;
rsrcEditor = rsrcDisabledMask + rsrcRevertMask + rsrcGetInfoMask;
rsrcEditorPicker = rsrcEditor + rsrcOpenMask + rsrcOpenTemplateMask + rsrcOpenHexMask;
rsrcDITLEd = rsrcEditorPicker - rsrcOpenHexMask + rsrcCreateMask;
rsrcEditorCreate = rsrcEditor + rsrcCreateMask;
editMenu = 3;
undoItem = 1;
cutItem = 3;
copyItem = 4;
pasteItem = 5;
clearItem = 6;
dupItem = 8;
selectAllItem = 9;
selectChangedItem =10;
{ Masks for AbleMenu - normally not used directly. }
undoMask = $2;
cutMask = $8;
editCopyMask = $10;
pasteMask = $20;
clearMask = $40;
duplicateMask = $100;
selectAllMask = $200;
editDisabledMask= $FFFFF801;
{ Mask combinations to be used in calls to AbleMenu. }
editNone = editDisabledMask - 1;
editClear = editDisabledMask + clearMask;
editCopy = editDisabledMask + editCopyMask;
editPaste = editDisabledMask + pasteMask;
editUndoPasteOnly = editPaste + undoMask;
editDup = editClear + duplicateMask;
editNoDup = editDisabledMask + cutMask + editCopyMask + pasteMask + clearMask; { No dup or undo }
editNoUndo = editNoDup + duplicateMask;
editUndNoDup= editNoDup + undoMask;
editAll = editNoUndo + undoMask;
editAcc = editUndNoDup; { for DAs }
viewMenu = 130; { Type pickers view menu. }
viewByIDItem = 1;
viewByNameItem = 2;
viewBySizeItem = 3;
viewByOrderItem = 4;
viewBySpecialItem = 5;
viewShowAttributesItem = 7;
{ Masks for AbleMenu. }
viewByIDMask = $2;
viewByNameMask = $4;
viewBySizeMask = $8;
viewByOrderMask = $10;
viewBySpecialMask = $20;
viewShowAttributesMask = $80;
viewDisabledMask = $FFFFFF01;
viewNoSpecial = viewDisabledMask + viewByIDMask + viewByNameMask + viewBySizeMask + viewByOrderMask + viewShowAttributesMask;
viewNoAttributes = viewDisabledMask + viewByIDMask + viewByNameMask + viewBySizeMask + viewByOrderMask + viewBySpecialMask;
viewAll = viewNoAttributes + viewShowAttributesMask;
fontMenu = 144; { Font menu with menus already added. }
miscStrings = 129; { Resource ID of STR# resource containing the strings. }
miscStringsName = 'Misc'; { Accessing resources by name is preferred }
cantLoadSndErrStr = 24; { Snd picker string. }
sysStr = 45; { 'Sys', etc. used by LDEF. }
{ Text for selected errors }
errorStrings = 132; { Resource ID of STR# resource containing the error strings }
errorStringsName = 'Errors'; { Accessing resources by name is preferred }
genericErrStr = 1; { Returned by GetErrorText when no specific message available }
ioErrStr = 1;
writeProtectErrStr = 2;
diskFullErrStr = 3;
fileLockedErrStr = 4;
outOfMemoryErrStr = 5;
alreadyOpenErrStr = 6;
tooManyOpenErrStr = 7;
volNotMountedErrStr = 8;
resNotFoundErrStr = 9;
accessErrStr = 10;
resFileNotFoundErrStr = 11;
addResFailErrStr = 12;
removeResFailErrStr = 13;
resAttributesErrStr = 14;
resMapErrStr = 15;
fileNotFoundErrStr = 16;
eofErrStr = 17;
fileBusyStr = 18;
cantDecompressStr = 19;
arrowCursor = -1; { Used in the call to SetTheCursor to set the arrow cursor. }
theScrollBar = 15; { Width of a scroll bar. }
okChoice = 1; { Used for the OK button in dialogs. }
noDialog = 0; { Used with EditorWindSetup. }
noScrap = -1; { Used with GetResEditScrapFile. }
alertStringsName = 'Alert strings';
revertResourceAlertStr = 1;
noTemplateAlert = 2; { GNRL editor }
cantPlayOnThisMachineAlert = 3; { snd picker }
cantPlaySndAlert = 4; { snd picker }
{ Consts for Resource menu string }
rsrcStrName = 'Resource menu';
rsrcCreateStr = 1;
rsrcOpenStr = 2;
rsrcListStr = 3;
rsrcOpenLists = 4;
rsrcOpenEditor = 5;
rsrcOpenEditors = 6;
rsrcOpenHex = 7;
rsrcRevert = 8;
rsrcRevertThese = 9;
rsrcResources = 10;
rsrcRevertRes = 11;
rsrcRevertThis = 12;
rsrcPatCreateStr = 13;
rsrcSICNCreateStr = 14;
rsrcDITLCreateStr = 15;
rsrcRevertItemStr = 16;
rsrcGNRLCreateStr = 17;
rsrcOpenTemplate = 18;
rsrcOpenPickerByID = 19;
{ Character code constants }
leftArrowKey = $1c;
rightArrowKey = $1d;
upArrowKey = $1e;
downArrowKey = $1f;
tabkey = $09;
enterKey = $03;
deleteKey = $08;
returnKey = $0d;
escapeKey = $1b;
periodKey = $2e;
STR64 = STRING[64];
{ Alert kinds used by the DisplayAlert procedure. }
AlertType = (displayTheAlert, displayStopAlert, displayNoteAlert, displayCautionAlert,
displayYNAlert, displayYNCAlert, displayYNCStopAlert, displayCancelDefaultCautionAlert);
{ Icon kinds used by the ChooseIcon function }
IconType = ( noIcon, normalIcon, reducedIcon, smallIcon, onlyICON, onlyICNPound );
{ This defines the various types of icons handled by the icon chooser package.
Passing onlyICON in the IconKind parameter of the ChooseIcon function forces the
IconChooser to not allow reduced ICONs and SICNs. Passing onlyICNPound in
the IconKind parameter uses ICN# resources instead of ICONs. Passing any
other value instructs the IconChooser to support regular ICONs, reduced ICONs,
and SICNs (like in the MENU editor). }
{ Kinds of windows that support color in different degrees }
ColorType = ( noColor, canColor, requiresColor );
{ This structure is used by the GetQuickDrawVars procedure. }
pQuickDrawVars = ^QuickDrawVars;
QuickDrawVArs = RECORD
randSeed: LONGINT;
screenBits: BitMap;
arrow: Cursor;
dkGray: Pattern;
ltGray: Pattern;
gray: Pattern;
black: Pattern;
white: Pattern;
thePort: GrafPtr;
END; { QuickDrawVars }
PickerType = (textOnlyPicker, graphical1DPicker, graphical2DPicker);
PossibleWindowTypes = (typePickerWindow, resourcePickerWindow,
folderInfoWindow, fileInfoWindow, resourceInfoWindow,
editorWindow, floatingWindow);
ParentPtr = ^ParentRec;
ParentHandle = ^ParentPtr;
ParentRec = RECORD
father: ParentHandle;
name: str255;
wind: WindowPeek; { Window that this record belongs to. }
rebuild: BOOLEAN; { Flag set to indicate that window should be rebuilt }
resWasntLoaded: BOOLEAN; { TRUE if the resource should be released when the window is closed. }
windowType: PossibleWindowTypes;
theResType: ResType; { Type of the resource being picked or edited. }
theResFile: INTEGER; { The home resfile of the window. }
codeResID: INTEGER; { Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. }
theResToEdit: Handle;
{ Standard picker record }
PickPtr = ^PickRec;
PickHandle = ^PickPtr;
ViewTypes = (viewById, viewByName, viewBySize, viewByOrder, viewBySpecial);
PickRec = RECORD
father: ParentHandle; { Back ptr to dad }
fName: STR255;
wind: WindowPtr; { Picker window }
rebuild: BOOLEAN;
spare1: BOOLEAN; { Not used here}
windowType: PossibleWindowTypes;
theResType: ResType; { Type of the resource being picked or edited. }
theResFile: INTEGER; { The home resfile of the window. }
codeResID: INTEGER; { Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. }
spare: Handle; { Not used here}
rType: ResType; { Type for picker - could be different from theResType }
rSize: LONGINT; { Size of a null resource }
minWindowWidth: INTEGER; { Used when the window is grown. }
instances: ListHandle; { List of instances }
nInsts: INTEGER; { Number of instances }
viewBy: ViewTypes; { Current view type }
showAttributes: BOOLEAN; { Show attrs in window? }
ldefType: ResType; { Which LDEF to use }
theViewMenu: MenuHandle; { The picker view menu }
viewMenuMask: LONGINT; { Which items are enabled? }
cellSize: Cell; { Cell size for special view. }
optionCreateStr:STR255; { Create item menu text when the option key is pressed. }
FloatingWindowPtr = ^FloatingWindowRec;
FloatingWindowHandle = ^FloatingWindowPtr;
FloatingWindowRec = RECORD
father: ParentHandle; { Back ptr to dad }
name: STR255;
wind: WindowPtr; { Floating window. }
rebuild: BOOLEAN;
visible: BOOLEAN; { Is the window to be hidden temporarily }
windowType: PossibleWindowTypes;
theResType: ResType; { Type of the resource being picked or edited. }
theResFile: INTEGER; { The home resfile of the window. }
codeResID: INTEGER; { Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. }
ownerWindow: WindowPtr; { Which window owns this floating window? }
{ Window Utilities }
FUNCTION AlreadyOpen (VAR windowTitle, windowName: STR255; father: ParentHandle): BOOLEAN;
FUNCTION EditorWindSetup (dlogID: INTEGER; colorKind: ColorType; width, height: INTEGER;
VAR windowTitle, windowName: STR255; addFrom: BOOLEAN;
windowKind: INTEGER; father: ParentHandle): WindowPtr;
FUNCTION FloatingWindowSetup (WINDID: INTEGER; fw: FloatingWindowHandle;
owner: Parenthandle; where: Point): WindowPtr;
PROCEDURE GetWindowTitle (VAR windowTitle, windowName: STR255; addFrom: BOOLEAN; father: ParentHandle);
FUNCTION PickerWindSetup(colorKind: ColorType; showTheWindow: BOOLEAN; width, height: INTEGER; VAR windowTitle: STR255;
windowKind: INTEGER; dad: ParentHandle): WindowPtr;
PROCEDURE SetETitle (h: Handle; VAR str: STR255);
FUNCTION WindAlloc: WindowPtr;
PROCEDURE WindReturn (w: WindowPtr);
{ Extended Resource Manager. }
FUNCTION REAddNewRes(resFile: INTEGER; hNew: Handle; t: ResType; idNew: INTEGER; s: STR255): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE REAddResource(resFile: INTEGER; theResource: Handle;
theType: ResType;theID: INTEGER; name: Str255);
FUNCTION REBeautifulUnique1ID(resFile: INTEGER; WhichType: ResType): INTEGER;
FUNCTION RECount1Resources(resFile: INTEGER; theType: ResType): INTEGER;
FUNCTION REGet1IndResource(resFile: INTEGER; theType: ResType;index: INTEGER): Handle;
PROCEDURE REGet1IndType(resFile: INTEGER; VAR theType: ResType;index: INTEGER);
FUNCTION REGet1NamedResource(resFile: INTEGER; theType: ResType;name: Str255): Handle;
FUNCTION REGet1Resource(resFile: INTEGER; theType: ResType;theID: INTEGER): Handle;
FUNCTION REGet1ResourceSpecial (resFile: INTEGER; theType: ResType; ID: INTEGER;
VAR wasLoaded: BOOLEAN; VAR error: INTEGER): Handle;
FUNCTION RENewUniqueRes(resFile: INTEGER; s: LONGINT; t: ResType): Handle;
PROCEDURE RERemoveAnyResource (resFile: INTEGER; theRes: Handle);
FUNCTION RevertThisResource (theObj: ParentHandle; res: Handle): BOOLEAN;
{ Routines used by pickers. }
FUNCTION DoPickBirth(colorKind: ColorType; buildList: BOOLEAN; which: PickerType;
pickerResId: INTEGER; pick: PickHandle): BOOLEAN;
{ The drawProc is of the form: PROCEDURE DrawResource (lRect: Rect; theRes: Handle); }
PROCEDURE DrawLDEF (message: INTEGER; lSelect: BOOLEAN; lRect: Rect; theRes: Handle;
id: INTEGER; title: STR255; maxH, maxV: INTEGER;
DrawResource: ProcPtr; lh: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE GrowMyWindow (minWidth, minHeight: INTEGER; windPtr: WindowPtr; lh: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE PickEvent (VAR evt: EventRecord; pick: PickHandle);
PROCEDURE PickInfoUp (oldID, newID: INTEGER; pick: PickHandle);
PROCEDURE PickMenu (menu, item: INTEGER; pick: PickHandle);
{ Routines used by editors. }
FUNCTION NeedToRevert (myWindow: WindowPtr; theRes: Handle): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE NoDoubleClickHere;
PROCEDURE SetResChanged (h: Handle);
{ Routines used to start pickers and editors. }
PROCEDURE GiveEBirth (resHandle: Handle; pick: PickHandle);
PROCEDURE GiveSubEBirth (resHandle: Handle; pick: PickHandle);
PROCEDURE GiveThisEBirth (resHandle: Handle; pick: PickHandle; openThisType:ResType);
{ Routines used to feed events and menus to the appropriate picker or editor. }
PROCEDURE CallDoEvent (evt: EventRecord; theWindow: WindowPtr);
PROCEDURE CallInfoUpdate (oldID, newID: INTEGER; refcon: LONGINT; id: INTEGER );
PROCEDURE PassEvent (evt: EventRecord; father: ParentHandle);
PROCEDURE PassMenu (menu, item: INTEGER; father: ParentHandle);
{ Miscellaneous utilities. }
PROCEDURE AbleMenu(menu: INTEGER; enable: LONGINT);
PROCEDURE BubbleUp(h: Handle);
PROCEDURE CenterDialog(theType: ResType; dialog: INTEGER);
FUNCTION ChooseIcon( EdHandle: ParentHandle; VAR IconResID: integer;
VAR IconKind: IconType; dialogID: integer): BOOLEAN;
FUNCTION ColorAvailable(needColorQD: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ConcatStr(VAR str1: STR255; str2: STR255);
FUNCTION DisplayAlert(which: AlertType; id: INTEGER): INTEGER;
FUNCTION DisplaySTRAlert(which: AlertType; STRName: STR255; STRIndex: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE DrawMBarLater(forceItNow: BOOLEAN);
FUNCTION FindOwnerWindow(theRes: Handle): WindowPeek;
PROCEDURE FixHand(s: LONGINT; h: Handle);
PROCEDURE FlashDialogItem(dp: DialogPtr; item: integer);
PROCEDURE FrameDialogItem(dp: DialogPtr; item: integer);
PROCEDURE GetNamedStr(index: INTEGER; name: STR255; VAR str: STR255);
FUNCTION GetQuickDrawVars: pQuickDrawVars;
FUNCTION GetScreenRect(roomForIcons: BOOLEAN; wind: WindowPtr): Rect;
PROCEDURE GetStr(index, resID: INTEGER; VAR str: STR255);
FUNCTION HandleCheck(h: Handle; msgID: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE MetaKeys(VAR cmd, shift, opt: BOOLEAN);
FUNCTION PrintSetup: Handle; { Return type is actually THPrint }
PROCEDURE PrintWindow(toPrint: PicHandle);
PROCEDURE SetTheCursor(whichCursor: INTEGER);
PROCEDURE ShowInfo(h:Handle; father: ParentHandle);
FUNCTION StandardFilter(theDialog: DialogPtr; VAR theEvent: EventRecord;
PROCEDURE TypeToString(t: ResType; VAR s: Str255);
{ Popup Menus }
FUNCTION ColorPalettePopupSelect(whichWindow: WindowPtr; itemBox: Rect;
VAR whichColor: RGBColor; CQDishere: Boolean; useColorPicker: BOOLEAN ): Boolean;
PROCEDURE DeinstallColorPalettePopup(whichWindow: WindowPtr; CQDishere: Boolean );
PROCEDURE DoPopup( whichDialog: DialogPtr; promptDialogItem, popupDialogItem: integer;
VAR menuItem: integer; whichMenu: MenuHandle);
PROCEDURE DrawColorPopup(whichWindow: WindowPtr; itemBox: Rect;
whichColor: RGBColor; CQDishere: Boolean );
PROCEDURE DrawPopup( whichDialog: DialogPtr; whichDialogItem, whichMenuItem: integer;
whichMenu: MenuHandle);
PROCEDURE InstallColorPalettePopup(whichWindow: WindowPtr; CQDishere, isActive: Boolean );
{ Routines that are used internally within ResEdit and may be useful in other
circumstances. }
FUNCTION BuildType (t: ResType; l: ListHandle): INTEGER;
FUNCTION CompressedResource(theResource: Handle): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE DoKeyScan (var evt: EventRecord; offset: integer; lh: ListHandle);
FUNCTION DupPick (h: Handle; c: cell; pick: PickHandle): Handle;
PROCEDURE GetErrorText (error: INTEGER; VAR errorText: STR255);
FUNCTION GetType (templatesOnly: BOOLEAN; VAR s: STR255): BOOLEAN;
FUNCTION MapResourceType (editor: BOOLEAN; theRes: Handle; origResType: ResType): ResType;
FUNCTION PlaySyncSound(which: INTEGER; sndHandle: Handle): BOOLEAN;
Inline { move.w CurApRefNum,(sp) } $3eB8, $0900;
PROCEDURE ResourceIDHasChanged (theObj: ParentHandle; theType: ResType; theOldId, theNewId: INTEGER);
FUNCTION RestoreRemovedResources (pick: PickHandle): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ScrapCopy (theType: ResType; VAR h: Handle);
PROCEDURE SendRebuildToPicker (theType: ResType; parent: ParentHandle);
PROCEDURE SendRebuildToPickerAndFile (theType: ResType; parent: ParentHandle) ;
FUNCTION WindList (w: WindowPtr; nAcross: INTEGER; cSize: Point; drawProc:INTEGER): ListHandle;
PROCEDURE WindOrigin (w: WindowPtr; dad: ParentHandle);
PROCEDURE WritePreferences (prefType: ResType; prefId: INTEGER; prefName: STR255; prefHandle: Handle);